Bronze Sculpture

Serie the DAO 2023 27 x15 x14 inches.
Bronze. Edition 1/9

The Psychology of Money
This sculpture is an approach to the exercise of observing actions financially, as a didactic metaphor. Where humans We find ourselves between centrifugal forces, between the human spirit and the material ambitions; Between the possible freedom that prudent decisions and appropriate financial actions can provide us. Waves restrictions and slavery in the future as a result of bad practices with the money.

The work presents a torso dressed in a suit, with a padlock and a handkerchief. As a symbol of prudent administration, security of action, protection and neatness of thought and actions. Resting on the torso like a head, a coin with dual symbols on each of its faces. Alluding to the possibility of permanent transition between freedom and slavery or vice versa.
This depends on the actions and financial decisions of each individual.

Money as an asset of the people’s economy is reflected in this work of a dual nature, of evolution or involution. The actions on the money oscillate between human vibrations and energies, for good or IN bears.


THE DAOSTATEMENT “The DAO is one of the series of the luminous collection”

Inspired by the dao decentralized autonomous organization, the power of dao to transform banking and the world of finance. This series of works emerged as bronze sculptures and a series of different nft’s. The dao collection conceptualizes and analyzes this movement towards a way of thinking about the opportunities of digital currencies and mining.

These coins enter the body, soul and mind to create a crypto space in the same way as in ancient cultures in many paintings and sculptures of ancient civilizations and religions. The gods or illuminated beings put a gold disc to highlight their connection with another dimension, the disc in these works is connected with ancient egypt, many gods like the sun are gods.

This golden sun as a force of the gods is repeated in the art of many ancient cultures and in different art movements from african art, orthodox art, gothic and byzantine art among others that always put discs on the heads to inspire a transformation from a more evolved consciousness, it is here where the dao or the dao enters this movement is and will be a historical change in the transformation of the new economies and a new sun become the new gold where humans will transform towards another futuristic forms of use of money, these images where heads and thoughts are transformed in a new vision ecosystem of cryptocurrencies as a new art of digital money in an intelligent way for a deep visionary freedom.

The first work from which this dao series is born data from 2003 with the creation of the series harvest in my interior, where is the work the two sides of the coins, other works about banking were born in 19 years from this origin where today this vision of images of one of the works of the dao collection is published for the first time, which is not more than the reflection of a mirror of the changes of a contemporary digital and virtual world the dao is based on content. analysis and research and study on the movement of dao and what this will mean for future and coming generations, new economies and movement of money and forms of payments and investments where we will put our lives between two sides of the coins slavery or freedom, digital or reality.


Should you seek further information regarding Luminous Collection the artwork titled “THE TWO FACES OF THE COIN” and wish to arrange a meeting with the artist, kindly complete the enclosed form. Your brief explanation outlining your interest in this endeavor will assist us in facilitating a meaningful discussion or presentation.

The luminous collection series are produced with different brands and figures that fit into a man’s or woman’s costume to develop a story or narrative that is a message to the public of evolution and enlightenment.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to the opportunity to connect and provide you with additional details regarding this captivating piece.

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