Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge


Oil Painting Masterclass with Maestro Medina

Medina is a renowned Cuban artist with a deep passion for sharing his love of oil painting. Born in Matanzas, Cuba, in 1964, Medina’s artistic journey began at the prestigious “Wilfredo Lam” Professional Academy of Arts, where he graduated in 1986. Over the past three decades, he has honed his skills not only as a painter but also as a muralist, ceramist, and art gallery specialist.

Versatility and Vibrancy: The Hallmarks of Medina’s Art

Medina’s artistic style is as diverse as his background. He seamlessly blends realism, impressionism, and expressionism, creating works that captivate with their use of bold colors and meticulous attention to detail. Whether it’s the sun-drenched landscapes of his native Cuba or the bustling energy of Miami’s streets, Medina’s paintings capture the essence of a place and evoke a sense of wonder in the viewer.

Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge

Sharing the Gift of Oil Painting

Beyond his own artistic pursuits, Medina is passionate about nurturing the next generation of artists. His oil painting courses cater to students of all levels, from beginners eager to take their first brushstrokes to seasoned artists seeking to refine their technique. Medina’s teaching philosophy is as vibrant as his art. He tailors his approach to each student’s individual needs and goals, fostering a supportive and encouraging environment where creativity can flourish.

Unleash Your Inner Artist with Medina

If you’ve ever dreamed of capturing the world on canvas, Medina’s oil painting courses are the perfect place to start. With his years of experience, boundless talent, and infectious enthusiasm, Medina will guide you on a journey of artistic discovery. You’ll learn the fundamental techniques of oil painting, explore the interplay of color and light, and most importantly, discover the joy of creating your own unique masterpieces.

So, whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned artist seeking inspiration, Medina’s oil painting courses offer an invaluable opportunity to connect with your creativity and unlock your artistic potential. Come experience the magic of oils under the guidance of a true master, and let Medina help you paint your own vibrant masterpiece.

Paintings for sale and custom work such as commercial artwork and murals


Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge

A 3-Month Beginner’s Journey
Unleash your inner artist and explore the captivating world of oil painting on canvas! This beginner-friendly course, designed for 10 weekly sessions of 2 hours each, will equip you with the fundamental techniques and knowledge to create stunning oil paintings. READ MORE ↑

Setting Up Your Studio
Brush with the Basics: Understand the different types of oil paints, brushes, mediums, and canvases.
Prepare Your Canvas: Learn proper priming techniques to ensure a smooth and lasting foundation for your art.

Color Play
Mastering Color Mixing: Explore the magic of primary and secondary colors, and confidently mix your own unique palette.
Value & Contrast: Discover how light and shadow interact, creating depth and dimension in your paintings.

Alla Prima vs. Layered Painting
Wet-on-Wet Magic: Dive into Alla Prima, a direct painting technique for capturing vibrant spontaneity.
The Timeless Technique: Learn the traditional layered approach, building depth and detail through multiple thin layers.

Drawing & Composition
From Sketch to Canvas: Transfer your ideas confidently from drawings to your oil paintings.
Rule of Thirds & More: Explore composition techniques to create visually balanced and harmonious artwork.
Still Life Delights: Practice your newfound skills by painting captivating still life arrangements
Landscapes & Beyond: Take your skills outdoors or explore other subjects that inspire you

Bonus Week:
Critique & Celebration: Share your final masterpieces, receive constructive feedback, and celebrate your artistic journey!

Throughout the course, you’ll be guided by experienced instructor who will provide personalized attention and answer all your questions. With a supportive community of fellow art enthusiasts, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve in just 3 months!
So, grab your brushes, embrace the vibrant world of oil paints, and let your creativity flow!
Remember: This is just a 10-line guideline. You can expand on each point with more details, examples, and visuals to create a comprehensive and engaging course outline.


3 months
2 weekly sessions “26 classes”
Cost per class: $50
Full course cost: $1,300
(Supplies not included)


Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge

Maximize your learning
Advanced students and students with focused goals can benefit from personalized instruction through hourly bookings for oil painting on canvas.

Achieve your artistic goals
Whether you’re an advanced student or have specific oil painting on canvas objectives, hourly bookings provide a flexible and efficient way to achieve them.


60 MIN-1h – $60
(Supplies not included)

Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge
Mr Black World Concierge

Hello dreamers and artists!

I’m Medina, your oil painting guide, and this classroom is our magic studio. Here, your dreams bloom on canvas, not just with paint, but with passion!

No fancy skills needed, only open hearts and curious minds. Together, we’ll whisper to colors, dance with brushes, and capture your dreams on a blank canvas.

Get ready to mix magic, explore beauty, and unleash the artist within!

Can’t wait to meet you and witness your dreams take flight!


Mr Black World Spa Medina Signature Concierge


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Medina's oil painting classes are a revelation! His passion for art is contagious, and his guidance is both patient and precise. I've never felt so confident wielding a brush, and my canvases are coming alive with vibrant colors and textures.
Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge
Sarah K
Miami FL
Medina's oil painting classes are more than just a hobby; they're a transformation. With every stroke, I'm not just painting on canvas, I'm painting a new version of myself, one that's bolder, more expressive, and brimming with artistic spirit.
Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge
William C.
Coconut Grove, FL
Medina's classes are a gift that keeps on giving. The skills I've learned, the friendships I've made, and the joy of creating art – these are treasures I'll carry with me long after the final brushstroke. AMAZING
Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge
Jennifer A.
Miami Shores, FL
If you're looking to ignite your inner artist, look no further than Medina's oil painting classes. His passion is infectious, his knowledge is boundless, and his studio is a sanctuary for creative souls.Come explore the world of color and expression you won't regret it!
Mr Black World Art Classes Concierge
Maria D.
Miami, FL
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